Peter McKinnon Net Worth: How Much is the YouTube Star Worth in 2024?

Peter McKinnon has become a household name in photography and videography thanks to his captivating YouTube content and charismatic personality. Since launching his channel, McKinnon has amassed millions of subscribers and garnered a significant following across various social media platforms. As we delve into 2024, many fans and followers are curious about the financial success of this internet sensation. This article provides a comprehensive overview of Peter McKinnon’s net worth in 2024, exploring his income sources, career milestones, and business ventures.

Peter McKinnon’s Journey to YouTube Stardom

Peter McKinnon’s journey to YouTube stardom is a fascinating tale of creativity, dedication, and entrepreneurial spirit. Before becoming a YouTube sensation, McKinnon was passionate about photography and videography. He spent years honing his skills, experimenting with different techniques, and working on various projects. His deep understanding of the craft and drive to share knowledge set the stage for his future success.

In 2016, Peter McKinnon took a leap of faith and launched his YouTube channel. His initial videos focused on photography tutorials, gear reviews, and creative tips. McKinnon’s engaging personality and ability to quickly break down complex concepts into easily digestible content resonated with viewers. His first viral hit, a tutorial on how to make your photos look more cinematic, showcased his unique teaching style and set the tone for his channel’s growth.

McKinnon diversified his content to include vlogs, travel videos, and behind-the-scenes looks at his creative process as his subscriber count began to soar. This expansion kept his audience engaged and attracted new viewers interested in different aspects of his work. His collaborations with other well-known YouTubers and brands further boosted his visibility and credibility within the creative community.

One of the key factors behind McKinnon’s success is his commitment to high-quality production. From the beginning, he invested in top-notch camera gear, editing software, and other tools to ensure his videos stood out in the crowded YouTube landscape. This attention to detail and professionalism helped him build a loyal following that appreciated his dedication to excellence.

McKinnon’s authenticity and relatability also played a crucial role in his rising stardom. He often shares personal stories, struggles, and triumphs, creating a genuine connection with his audience. This transparency has fostered a sense of community among his viewers, who feel invested in his journey and growth.

As Peter McKinnon’s channel continued to grow, so did his opportunities. He began working with major brands like Canon, Adobe, and DJI, creating sponsored content aligned with his passion for photography and videography. These partnerships provided additional income and allowed him to showcase the latest technology and innovations to his audience.

Key Takeaway:

Peter McKinnon’s journey to YouTube stardom is a testament to the power of passion, hard work, and authenticity. By consistently delivering high-quality content and staying true to his creative vision, McKinnon has built a successful career and inspired countless aspiring photographers and filmmakers worldwide.

Sources of Peter McKinnon’s Income

Peter McKinnon’s impressive net worth is built upon diverse income streams, reflecting his multifaceted approach to monetizing his skills and popularity. Here are the primary sources contributing to his financial success:

  1. YouTube Ad Revenue: The cornerstone of Peter McKinnon’s income is his YouTube ad revenue. With millions of followers and consistently high view counts for his films, McKinnon earns a respectable salary through YouTube’s Partner Program. The number of views and degree of viewer interaction influence the money made from the ads that run before, during, or next to his videos. His ability to produce engaging and high-quality content keeps viewers returning, ensuring a steady ad revenue stream.
  2. Sponsorships and Brand Deals: Peter McKinnon collaborates with numerous well-known photography, videography, and tech brands. Companies such as Canon, Adobe, DJI, and Squarespace have partnered with him to create sponsored content that showcases their products and services. These sponsorships provide financial compensation and often include free gear and exclusive access to the latest technology, enhancing the quality of his content.
  3. Product Sales: Another significant source of income for McKinnon is the sale of his products. On his website, he offers a range of photography presets, Lightroom presets, LUTs (Lookup Tables) for video color grading, and educational courses. These products cater to his audience’s needs, providing them with tools and knowledge to enhance their photography and videography skills. The direct sale of these digital products generates a substantial revenue stream.
  4. Merchandise: Peter McKinnon sells branded merchandise, clothing, accessories, and photography gear. His merchandise line, which features t-shirts, hats, camera straps, and mugs, appeals to his loyal fanbase, who want to support him and show off their love for his brand. Merchandise sales are a reliable source of income, especially during new product launches and special promotions.
  5. Affiliate Marketing: McKinnon earns commissions through affiliate marketing by promoting products and services he uses and trusts. He receives a percentage of the sales generated when he includes affiliate links in his video descriptions or website. This passive income stream is particularly effective given his influence and credibility in the photography and videography communities.
  6. Speaking Engagements and Workshops: As a respected figure in the creative industry, Peter McKinnon is often invited to speak at conferences, workshops, and industry events. These speaking engagements and workshops provide additional income, enhance his reputation, and expand his network. By sharing his expertise and experiences, McKinnon continues to build his brand and influence.
  7. Digital Content Platforms: Beyond YouTube, Peter McKinnon leverages other digital content platforms to generate income. Fans can support him through monthly memberships on websites like Patreon, where he maintains an online presence, in exchange for access to behind-the-scenes content and other benefits. This direct support from his audience adds another layer to his income portfolio.
  8. Licensing and Royalties: Peter McKinnon’s high-quality photography and videography work can also be licensed to other media outlets, websites, and brands. Licensing his content for use in advertising campaigns, editorial pieces, and other projects generates additional income through royalties. This passive income stream benefits from his work’s widespread appeal and professional quality.
  9. Business Ventures and Investments: Besides his creative pursuits, Peter McKinnon has diversified his financial portfolio through various business ventures and investments. He co-founded a creative agency that offers photography and videography services, allowing him to monetize his skills in new ways. McKinnon has also invested in real estate, acquiring properties that provide rental income and long-term financial stability.

Key Takeaway:

Peter McKinnon’s financial success has been largely attributed to his ability to harness several sources of income. McKinnon has built a robust and sustainable financial foundation by diversifying his revenue sources through YouTube ad revenue, sponsorships, product sales, merchandise, affiliate marketing, speaking engagements, digital content platforms, licensing, and investments. This diversified approach maximizes his earning potential and ensures stability in an ever-changing digital landscape.

Major Milestones in Peter McKinnon’s Career

Peter McKinnon’s career is marked by several significant milestones that have propelled him to the forefront of the creative industry. These achievements highlight his growth as a content creator and impact on the photography and videography communities. Here are some of the most notable milestones in Peter McKinnon’s career:

  1. Launching His YouTube Channel: The launch of Peter McKinnon’s YouTube channel in 2016 was the first major milestone in his journey. His initial videos focused on photography tutorials, gear reviews, and creative tips, quickly attracting a global audience. The high-quality content and McKinnon’s engaging teaching style set the stage for his rapid popularity.
  2. Reaching One Million Subscribers: In December 2017, less than two years after starting his channel, Peter McKinnon reached the one million subscriber milestone on YouTube. This rapid growth was a testament to the value and appeal of his content, establishing him as a prominent figure in the YouTube photography and videography community.
  3. Viral Videos: Several of McKinnon’s videos went viral, significantly boosting his visibility and subscriber count. Notable examples include his tutorial on making your photos look more cinematic, his ability to simplify complex techniques, and his video on camera hacks, which provided practical tips for photographers of all levels. These viral hits helped cement his reputation as a go-to resource for creative professionals.
  4. Collaborations with Major Brands: Peter McKinnon’s collaborations with industry-leading brands like Canon, Adobe, DJI, and Squarespace have been pivotal in his career. These partnerships allowed him to create sponsored content that showcased the latest technology and innovations, enhancing his credibility and reach. Working with prestigious brands provided financial support and exclusive access to cutting-edge equipment.
  5. Launching His Product Lines: McKinnon expanded his influence and income by launching his product lines, including photography presets, Lightroom presets, LUTs for video color grading, and educational courses. These products catered to his audience’s needs and provided valuable resources for improving their skills. The success of these product lines demonstrated McKinnon’s entrepreneurial spirit and deep understanding of his audience.
  6. Winning Awards and Accolades: Throughout his career, Peter McKinnon has received numerous awards and accolades for his contributions to the creative industry. These honors reflect his impact and influence, recognizing his excellence in content creation and his role as an educator and innovator. Awards from prestigious institutions and industry bodies have further solidified his status as a leading figure in photography and videography.
  7. Expanding to Other Platforms: McKinnon has successfully expanded his presence to digital platforms beyond YouTube. He has built a substantial following on Instagram, sharing stunning photography, behind-the-scenes content, and personal insights. His active engagement on multiple platforms has broadened his reach and strengthened his connection with his audience.
  8. Public Speaking and Workshops: Peter McKinnon’s reputation as an expert in his field has led to numerous opportunities for public speaking and conducting workshops. He has been invited to speak at major industry conferences, events, and educational institutions, sharing his knowledge and experiences with aspiring photographers and videographers. These engagements have provided additional income and enhanced his visibility and influence.
  9. Publishing Books: Besides his digital content, McKinnon has authored books that delve into photography techniques, creative processes, and personal anecdotes. These publications have been well-received by his audience and offer another medium through which he can educate and inspire. Writing books has expanded his impact and provided a new revenue stream.
  10. Achieving Financial Milestones: Reaching financial milestones such as multi-million dollar earnings and significant investments in real estate and businesses marks another important aspect of McKinnon’s career. These achievements underscore his success as a content creator, savvy entrepreneur, and investor.

Key Takeaway:

The major milestones in Peter McKinnon’s career illustrate his incredible journey from a passionate photographer to a globally recognized content creator and entrepreneur. Each milestone represents a step forward in his growth, influence, and success, showcasing his dedication to his craft and ability to adapt and thrive in the dynamic digital landscape.

Peter McKinnon’s Investments and Business Ventures

Diversifying his income and maintaining long-term financial security have been made possible in large part by Peter McKinnon’s astute investments and entrepreneurial energy. Here’s an in-depth look at his various business ventures and investments:

  • Real Estate Investments: One of Peter McKinnon’s notable investments is real estate. By acquiring properties, McKinnon has created a steady stream of rental income that complements his earnings from digital content creation. Real estate investments provide not only immediate cash flow through rentals but also long-term appreciation in property value. This strategic move ensures that McKinnon’s financial portfolio is well-rounded and robust, reducing his reliance on fluctuating digital income streams.
  • Co-Founding a Creative Agency: McKinnon co-founded a creative agency that offers photography, videography, and content creation services. This venture leverages his expertise and reputation in the creative industry, providing high-quality services to clients. The agency handles projects ranging from commercial shoots and brand campaigns to social media content and instructional videos. By running a creative agency, McKinnon can monetize his skills beyond YouTube, tapping into the lucrative professional content creation market for businesses and individuals.
  • Product Collaborations: Peter McKinnon has partnered with various brands to launch limited-edition products that align with his brand and audience. These collaborations involve co-branded merchandise, photography gear, and other creative tools. For example, his work with organizations such as PolarPro has created accessories and filters for cameras specifically tailored to the requirements of photographers and filmmakers. These product collaborations generate revenue and strengthen McKinnon’s brand presence and credibility in the market.
  • Online Educational Platforms: Recognizing the demand for quality education in photography and videography, McKinnon has invested in creating online courses and educational content. Platforms like Skillshare and his website host these courses, offering in-depth photography, videography, and post-production tutorials. By providing paid courses and workshops, McKinnon capitalizes on his teaching skills and industry knowledge, creating a sustainable income stream while helping others improve their craft.
  • Merchandise Sales: In addition to product collaborations, Peter McKinnon sells his own branded merchandise, including apparel, accessories, and photography gear. His merchandise line features t-shirts, hats, camera straps, and mugs, which are popular among his fanbase. These sales contribute significantly to his income, particularly during new product launches and special promotions. Merchandise generates revenue and enhances brand loyalty and engagement with its audience.
  • Photography Presets and LUTs: McKinnon has created and marketed his photography presets and LUTs (Lookup Tables) for video color grading. These digital products help photographers and videographers achieve specific looks and styles. The presets and LUTs are sold through his website, providing an additional revenue stream by leveraging his photo and video editing expertise. These products appeal to his audience, who look up to McKinnon for creative inspiration and technical guidance.
  • Affiliate Marketing: McKinnon actively participates in affiliate marketing by promoting products and services he uses and trusts. He gets paid a commission on sales made via affiliate links that he includes in his blog entries, social media posts, and video descriptions. This passive income stream is highly effective, given his influence and a large following. Affiliate marketing allows McKinnon to recommend tools and products to his audience while earning a steady income from these recommendations.
  • Digital Content Platforms: Besides YouTube, McKinnon has leveraged other digital content platforms like Patreon. On Patreon, fans can support him through monthly subscriptions in exchange for exclusive content, behind-the-scenes access, and other perks. This direct support from his audience provides a stable and predictable income stream, allowing him to create content without relying solely on ad revenue and sponsorships.
  • Public Speaking and Workshops: Peter McKinnon is often invited to speak at conferences, industry events, and educational institutions. These speaking engagements and workshops offer another revenue stream, enhancing his visibility and credibility. By sharing his experiences, techniques, and insights, McKinnon continues to build his brand and influence, attracting more opportunities for collaboration and growth.
  • Investment in Tech Startups: McKinnon has shown interest in investing in tech startups, particularly those related to the creative industry. By investing in innovative companies, he diversifies his investment portfolio and stays at the forefront of technological advancements in photography and videography. These investments fit with his enthusiasm for assisting new technology and have the potential to yield substantial rewards.

Key Takeaway:

Peter McKinnon’s investments and business ventures demonstrate his strategic approach to building a sustainable and diversified income portfolio. By investing in real estate, co-founding a creative agency, collaborating on product launches, offering online education, selling merchandise and digital products, participating in affiliate marketing, leveraging digital content platforms, engaging in public speaking, and investing in tech startups, McKinnon has created a robust financial foundation. These ventures reflect his entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to long-term success, ensuring his financial stability and continued influence in the creative industry.

Estimated Net Worth of Peter McKinnon in 2024

As of 2024, Peter McKinnon’s net worth is around $5 million. This substantial figure results from his diverse income streams, strategic investments, and successful business ventures. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how his net worth is calculated and the factors contributing to his financial success:

  • YouTube Ad Revenue: Peter McKinnon’s primary income source remains his YouTube channel, which boasts millions of subscribers and consistently high viewership. With YouTube’s Partner Program, McKinnon earns revenue through advertisements that play before, during, or alongside his videos. Given his high engagement rates and large audience, it’s estimated that his annual earnings from YouTube ad revenue alone range from $300,000 to $500,000. Over the years, this consistent income has significantly contributed to his overall net worth.
  • Sponsorships and Brand Deals: McKinnon collaborates with high-profile brands like Canon, Adobe, DJI, and Squarespace. These sponsorships and brand deals provide substantial financial compensation, often ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 per partnership, depending on the scope and duration of the collaboration. In addition to monetary compensation, these deals frequently include free gear and exclusive access to new products, further enhancing his content quality and appeal. Annual sponsorships and brand deals are estimated to add $200,000 to $400,000 to his income.
  • Product Sales: Peter McKinnon’s product lines, including photography, presets, Lightroom presets, LUTs for video color grading, and educational courses, are significant revenue generators. Priced between $20 and $100 per product, these digital goods cater to his audience’s needs and provide valuable resources for improving their skills. With thousands of sales annually, it’s estimated that product sales contribute around $150,000 to $250,000 to his yearly earnings.
  • Merchandise Sales: McKinnon’s branded merchandise, which includes apparel, accessories, and photography gear, appeals to his loyal fanbase. The merchandise line features t-shirts, hats, camera straps, and mugs, ranging from $10 to $50. Annual sales of his merchandise are estimated to generate between $100,000 and $200,000, providing a steady stream of additional income.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Through affiliate marketing, McKinnon earns commissions by promoting products and services he uses and trusts. He gets paid a portion of the purchases when he uses affiliate links in the descriptions of his videos and social media posts. Given his influence and large following, affiliate marketing is estimated to bring in $50,000 to $100,000 annually.
  • Speaking Engagements and Workshops: Peter McKinnon is frequently invited to speak at industry conferences, workshops, and educational institutions. These engagements provide additional income, with fees ranging from $5,000 to $20,000 per event. Annually, speaking engagements and workshops are estimated to contribute $50,000 to $100,000 to his income.
  • Digital Content Platforms: In addition to YouTube, McKinnon uses websites like Patreon, where supporters can give him a monthly membership to access behind-the-scenes footage and special content. With hundreds of patrons subscribing at various tiers, this platform generates between $50,000 and $100,000 annually.
  • Real Estate Investments: Peter McKinnon’s real estate investments have provided a reliable source of passive income. By acquiring properties and renting them out, he ensures a steady cash flow and long-term appreciation in property value. It’s estimated that his real estate investments generate around $50,000 to $100,000 annually in rental income.
  • Co-founding a Creative Agency: McKinnon’s creative agency offers photography, videography, and content creation services. The agency handles projects for commercial shoots, brand campaigns, and social media content, leveraging his reputation and expertise. The agency’s annual revenue is estimated to contribute between $100,000 and $200,000 to his net worth.
  • Investments in Tech Startups: McKinnon’s interest in investing in tech startups, particularly those related to the creative industry, has the potential for significant returns. While exact figures are not publicly available, these investments add another layer of financial stability and growth potential to his portfolio.

Key Takeaway:

As of 2024, Peter McKinnon’s estimated net worth of $5 million results from his diverse and well-managed income streams. His entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen highlight his ability to leverage multiple revenue sources, from YouTube ad revenue and sponsorships to product sales and real estate investments. McKinnon’s strategic approach to monetizing his skills and influence ensures his continued financial success and stability in the ever-evolving digital landscape.


Peter McKinnon’s financial success in 2024 is a testament to his talent, hard work, and business savvy. From his early days as a budding photographer to his current status as a YouTube superstar, McKinnon’s journey inspires aspiring creators and entrepreneurs alike. With his continued dedication to his craft and strategic investments, Peter McKinnon’s net worth will grow even further in the coming years.


How did Peter McKinnon become famous?

Peter McKinnon gained fame through his YouTube channel, where he shared photography and videography tutorials, tips, and creative content. His engaging personality and high-quality videos quickly attracted a large following.

What are the main sources of Peter McKinnon’s income?

Peter McKinnon’s primary sources of income include YouTube ad revenue, sponsorship deals, product sales (such as photography presets and merchandise), speaking engagements, and workshops.

Has Peter McKinnon invested in any businesses?

Yes, Peter McKinnon has diversified his income by investing in real estate and co-founding a creative agency. He is also involved in limited-edition product collaborations with various brands.

What is Peter McKinnon’s estimated net worth in 2024?

As of 2024, Peter McKinnon’s net worth is estimated to be around $5 million, based on his various income streams, successful business ventures, and continued growth in the digital content space.

What notable achievements has Peter McKinnon accomplished in his career?

Peter McKinnon has reached several milestones, including surpassing one million subscribers on YouTube, collaborating with major brands like Canon and Adobe, and launching his product lines. He has also received awards and accolades for his contributions to the creative community.

Additional Resources

For those interested in learning more about Peter McKinnon and his work, here are some valuable resources:

  • Peter McKinnon’s YouTube Channel: Explore Peter’s latest videos, tutorials, and creative content on his YouTube Channel.
  • Peter McKinnon’s Website: Visit his official website for information on his photography presets, courses, and merchandise. Check out Peter McKinnon’s Website.
  • Peter McKinnon’s Instagram: Follow Peter on Instagram for behind-the-scenes looks, stunning photography, and updates on his latest projects. Follow him here.
  • Peter McKinnon’s Twitter: Stay updated with Peter’s thoughts, announcements, and interactions with his followers on Twitter. Follow him here.
  • CreativeLive Classes by Peter McKinnon: Enroll in Peter McKinnon’s classes on CreativeLive to enhance your photography and videography skills. Explore his classes here.

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